CLUB with Daniela

Lola Miche


These are a few pictures from the January-February CLUB with Daniela.


CLUB - Daniela cutting a piece from a wax block


She created a pendant in the shape of an elongated rhombus with sinuous curves and engravings.


CLUB - Daniela carving her wax model


Once her idea was sketched and she had taken measures for the size of her pendant, she started by cutting a piece from a large block of wax.


CLUB - Daniela checking the engravings on her wax model


From the piece of wax she cut, Daniela began carving her model using a variety of wax files.


CLUB - Daniela sanding her pendant after casting


The last detail she took care of are the lines engraved on her wax model. By doing so her metal piece came out from casting already with its engravings.


CLUB - Daniela polishing her pendant


In this case there was no need to solder a bail to attach Daniela’s pendant on a chain as she hid one behind the top of her piece as part of her design.


CLUB - Daniela and her finished necklace
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