Morganite is the pink variety of beryl, the same mineral as emeralds and aquamarines.
It is a rare variety that can be pale pink, pastel pink, salmon pink or peach orange and magnolia. It can be translucent or transparent.
Sometimes called "pink emerald", it has fewer inclusions and is less prone to fracture than emeralds, making it more resistant.
First discovered in California in the early 20th century, it was between 1910 and 1911 that morganites of good size and color were found in Madagascar.
His name is a tribute to New York financier and collector J.P. Morgan from gemologist G.F. Kuntz.
Because it is a recently discovered gem, it does not have associated myths.
Due to its soft pink color, it is said to induce peace and tranquility, as well as being linked to love and tenderness.
Also associated with passion and sensuality, it is recommended for those who want to express their feelings.
Morganites are said to have the ability to allow us to see life differently, helping us to distance ourselves from things in order to see them better, observe our goals and visualize what remains to be done to achieve them.
Appeasing gem, it generates good feelings in love and friendship, reinforcing bonds and promoting healthy relationships. It also enhances reflection and facilitates decision-making by favoring lucidity and wisdom.
On the physical level it influences the heart by dispelling fears and relieving tensions, thus reducing the risk of heart problems. It would also alleviate pulmonary afflictions and stimulate better blood circulation.
There are deposits of morganite in several regions of the world; some countries where it is extracted are Brazil, Afghanistan, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Namibia, the United States and Madagascar.
In 1989 in Maine, United States, they found a morganite that together with its matrix weighs over 50 pounds (23 kilograms). It is called "the Rose of Maine".