CLUB with Kristie

Lola Miche


These are a few pictures from the CLUB with Kristie.


CLUB - Kristie's finished ring and her sketch


Kristie created a ring with an organic shape and intricate details.


CLUB - Kristie carving her ring wax model


After sketching a rough idea of her design along with measurements she started carving her ring model in wax.


CLUB - Kristie checking details on her wax model


Using a micro motor with a variety of wax burs she shaped her wax model very precisely.


CLUB - Kristie polishing her ring after casting


Making it look as if she had already created jewelry previously, Kristie got her ring back from casting and started sanding and filing it.


CLUB - Kristie with her finished ring


The result is a ring with a winding shape and smooth curves.

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