Tiger's eye is a variety of quartz. Its characteristic golden silky shine and appearance are due to the intercalation of layers or fibers of other minerals such as limonite during its formation.
Its color is mainly nuances of brown and yellow tones.
The origin of its name is partly a mystery but it is believed that it would have been discovered somewhere in an eastern region due to its name referring to tigers.
Around 5000 years ago it was already appreciated in Mesopotamia where it was linked to the god of abundance.
Roman soldiers would have worn jewelry made with engraved tiger's eye to protect them as well as give them strength and courage on the battlefield.
According to various ancient beliefs it has the ability to protect from evil eye and spells.
Historically scarce and consequently expensive, important deposits were found in South Africa in the early 19th century and then in North Africa a century later, making it progressively easier to acquire.
Gem of protection and self-fulfillment, it represents a shield against negative energies while reinforcing perseverance and motivation to carry out both personal and professional goals.
Tiger’s eye invites to introspection, making it a valuable ally for those who seek to know themselves better by accepting their own shortcomings to reveal their true intentions.
By focusing both energy and thoughts, it allows you to give them a logical structure so that you can better listen to your own desires.
Beneficial for the body as a whole, it relieves the joints as well as promoting mobility. Due to its relaxing effect on the nerves, it is said to help with digestive and intestinal transit as well as breathing.
It is also recommended for those who suffer from chronic fatigue and who cannot sleep well.
Some varieties similar to this gem are the cat's eye, which occurs in several minerals such as chrysoberyls, the hawk’s eye with its grayish blue tones, and the ox's eye, an intense brown tiger's eye often obtained after treating the stone with heat.
We find deposits of tiger's eye in many regions of the world, including Australia, Burma (Myanmar), India, Namibia, South Africa, the United States, Brazil, Canada, China and South Korea.