Discovered in 1789 in France by the count and gemologist de Bournon, it was originally called "purple-red adamantine feldspar".

French naturalist Delamétherie was the one who coined andalusite as its name; although in reality the ones he studied did come from Spain, they came from Guadalajara instead of Andalusia.

It is a mineral of the silicate group.

Its color includes purple fleshy pink, ocher, olive green and reddish brown tones. It is a gem that presents intense pleochroism meaning it displays several colors at the same time.

It can be opaque, translucent or transparent.

There is a variety of andalusite that has inclusions of carbon or clay which has the shape of a cross if cut correctly. Called chiastolite, it was used until the end of the 16th century by pilgrims on the route to Santiago de Compostela as an amulet. It was also known as Lapis Crucifer, or "stone of the cross".

Gem of introspection, it calms while it strengthens, dispelling fears and doubts to replace them with confidence to be able to deal with more serenity with the twists and turns of life and the most important of decisions.

Source of intuition, it allows us to distance ourselves from what surrounds us to see things with a larger scope while proposing a realistic vision to be able to better guide the future.

It allows a greater balance between the physical, spiritual and emotional bodies. Due to its relaxing virtues, it is said to have an effect on the digestive system in addition to relieving joint ailments and soothing nerves.

South Africa is the country with the largest deposits of this gem, but we can also find it in France, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Spain, Austria, Myanmar (Burma) and the United States.

In gem quality it is scarce but due to its resistance to thermal shocks, lower quality andalusite is used as refraction and insulation material. It is used in the manufacture of furnaces and crucibles for example.